Basic tips to last your flowers
even longer:
1. Prepare water
In order for the flowers to reach you, they have come a long way and are certainly thirsty. So get a clean vase, fill it with cold fresh water and add the special flower food. Before dipping the flowers, clean the flower stalks at the base and remove unnecessary leaves. Leave only those that are above the water. If you forget to remove the leaves and they remain immersed in it, it will certainly speed up the process of rot and it is possible to shorten their life.

2. Cut at an angle
Once you have prepared the flowers, it is time to prune them! It is important to do this with sharp shears (preferably floral), but if you do not have one, you can also use a sharp kitchen knife. Trim them by 4-5 cm, but obliquely (at an angle of 45), thus providing a larger drinking surface. If you do this every 2-3 days you will enjoy them for a longer time.
3. Change the water
Another tip: Change the water every day (or at least when you remind yourself to think of it) and add flower food to it. This prevents the growth of bacteria in the vase and helps them to bloom. As you need freshness, so do your flowers. Hydrate them. The more often, the better!

Additional care
Protect your flowers from direct sunlight and heat. Unlike the natural environment of flowers, the cut ones do not like the sun and heat.
In fact, these factors are very dangerous for them and can drastically reduce their freshness. This means that the sunny window sill is only suitable for a quick photo, but not to be put there permanently. Better put them 2-3 meters inside.
In addition, some flowers bloom faster and others not so much. Observe them and when you see that they need cleaning, remove the overblown flowers and trim them.
* Keep away from pets, heat sources, direct sunlight and small children!